Projects for Hope
Our identity and purpose instilling program that gives the Felon the ability to look into the future and make a decision about the person they are going to become, identify the barriers that will stand in the way, and plan on how to knock them down.
Breaking the Cycle
Our prison diversion program, preventing at risk youth and individuals from winding up in prison by allowing the ex-felons who have successfully become their Future Self to become Life Coaches and mentors to the ones who are on their way to prison in their lifestyles, guiding them through the same programs the ex-felon went through without having to go to prison, giving them the same resources and opportunities without having to go to prison first.
Our three tier program that commits a felon to all the aspects of the New Hope system, in rehabilitation, education, and reintegration location, resources, and opportunities. This is the program we have a desire for as many felons in the country to participate in, as it covers every facet of their life and pairs them with a Life Coach that will be there for them with assistance and direction for as long as that person needs them.
Our pathway program that assists the felon in seeing the effects of the destructive paths they've traveled; finding the passion that is in them and giving them the tools they need in order to turn that passion into purpose; fully equipping them with the essentials to move forward with a hope for a prosperous future.
Felon Future Self
Employing felons who enjoy construction, this is an arm of NHI where we renovate dilapidated and foreclosed homes and gift them to felons and their families who have lost everything due to their struggle with the criminal justice system.
Home of Hope
P4 Project
Felons Futures
New Hope University
Our education provider, initially afforded through contracts with third party educators, eventually becoming fully-accredited, offering felons an education in a field they have an interest in, inside and out of the walls of prison; as statistics show that less than 10% of prisoners who acquire a degree while in prison ever reoffend.
Hope Townhouses
Our final step in transitional housing, in the form of a small township that will resemble any modern town in the country, except this will be completely ran, managed, and sustained by felons who have graduated our programs in prison and are enrolled in our Felon's Futures program. The town will be a stigma destroyer as the general public will have the ability to come and be served with love and respect in a safe positive environment by the residents
Hope Town
Restorative Justice and Reentry Center
Our ultimate goal is to create a completely non-profit alternative to prison that would finally be based on the rehabilitation of human beings and focused entirely on their transformation, restoration of family, and reconciliation with their community. We believe that prison should address the underlying causes of crime in the individual so that crime can be dealt with on the community level. The first step in our reentry felon housing system; the Reentry side of the center.
Our second step in felon housing, small stepdown communities of Townhouses across the country with all of New Hope's reentry and transitional programs, where we prepare the felon for their full transition into the community by giving them the mental, emotional, and intellectual preparation needed to be completely confident as they become a responsible member of the community.
Our final step in transitional housing, in the form of a small township that will resemble any modern town in the country, except this will be completely ran, managed, and sustained by felons who have graduated our programs in prison and are enrolled in our Felon's Futures program. The town will be a stigma destroyer as the general public will have the ability to come and be served with love and respect in a safe positive environment by the residents
Community Hope Coalition
Prisoner Potential
Our creative and promotional platform for all things prisoner talent, where inside we are assisting prisoners in using their talent to create, and outside we are displaying and promoting their work to the public to create healthy connections and solid opportunities using their gift for good.
X-Con Clothing
Our creative and promotional platform for all things prisoner talent, where inside we are assisting prisoners in using their talent to create, and outside we are displaying and promoting their work to the public to create healthy connections and solid opportunities using their gift for good.
New Hope Nexus
Our electronic service provider that offers many services such as a gift store with prisoner artwork and handcraft. The most important is the prisoner profile platform that gives the prisoner a solid connection to the public, allowing them to share any aspect of themselves with the public through artwork, writing, poetry, podcast, pictures, giving the public the ability to get to know that person in prison in a manner otherwise impossible. A Social Media Platform for Hope.
CONnection Central: Felon, Family, Friends
Fostering new and stronger relationships is one of New Hope's founding principles. This is where we intend to do just that by offering a platform for the world to 1) get to know the felon for who he or she is rather than what their alleged crime is, creating new relationships and 2) work through the charred remains of old relationships, building them stronger than ever before.
New Hope Network
Our entertainment platform, giving felons and their families with acting and producing inclination to create completely original material that raises awareness about the criminal justice system and tells felons' stories of their fall, redemption and rise; and of course, material that is purely just entertaining.
True Justice Legal
Our legal aid project that provides prisoners and the currently accused with quality compassionate counsel when they can't afford it. Made up of attorneys who believe in true justice, funded by grants, those who truly need representation finally have a real sense of hope for True Justice
Never Even Thought of That Academy
Our business incubator for prisoners and felons who have the desire to become entrepreneurs and a vision for a viable business. NETOTA works with the individual from business plan to viability, building the business from the ground up, educating them in management at the same time to prepare them to run their business/organization; with a contract to invest the amount of initial capital invested from New Hope into a project of their choice
Veterans Division
deals with the core issues that lead the veterans to crime, such as PTSD, and also the disregard for their sacrificial service to this country that should be honored through their battle with the Criminal Justice System.