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Welcome to New Hope Initiative

Prison Reform Resulting in a Safer Society in Our Nation.
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We are a collective of felons and families of felons who believe in the need for major criminal justice reform within our country and our communities. Across the United States, there are 2.5 million incarcerated individuals, 35 million ex-felons, and 7 million on probation or parole. There are approximately 200 million people in the country who are directly affected by these issues in one way or another. Potentially, and very possibly, we can unite to be a family of two-thirds of the population of this country.

“We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become a participant in its evil”

                                                              — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr


Join the Fight!


There have been many years of planning leading up to this point. The only way that we will become the collective voice that we need to be in order to create lasting change is with your support. Please help us make this vision a reality and bring New Hope to our communities.

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Rally the Troops

If you would like more information on how to take a more active role within this mission, please click the “Join Us" button below. We need both financial and volunteer support in order to continue our current trajectory to giving Hope to the Hopeless situation that is the American Prison System.


A Country Behind Bars

The United States of America Leads the Global Scene with the largest prison population in the country with a prison population of Over 2 million.

The Revolving Door of Prison

Despite Countries Like Norway lowering their recidivism rates to 20% through vast prison reform, America lags behind and maintains one of the highest recidivism rates in the world with 76.6% of prisoners rearrested within five years.

If you want to stay on top of the latest announcements, new projects, and New Hope News, sign up using the button below and you will be put on our mailing list
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