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Chris Johnson

Inmate, Currently Incarcerated

Opus Number



Chris Johnson #1445065
Alexander Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

Date of Birth:


A Bit About Me

Welcome to my life everyone. You are about to take a journey into the deep of my life. John McCain said, "Only truth and transparency can guarantee freedom." I'm going to be completely transparent with you over the course of as long as you follow me. This is going to be a new type of autobiography or memoir. Usually those hide the deeper parts of the writer or subject as to shield themselves from the reader's judgement or scrutiny. Not here, friends. For me to show you that true genuine change is possible, I must show you where I came from. A lot of people are going to find out I lied to them about myself over the years. It was, to me at the time, a necessary evil. Now I want to apologize to you for the untruths and illusions I fed you. I hope that you can forgive me. Here is the place where my life, my mind, my heart and everything in it will be laid out on the table. I will show and admit my wrongs. I will express the times and places where I manipulated and lied to achieve an intended outcome. I want you to see, as I show you and admit the things I have done in my life that I am not proud of, and as I allow you to see the darkness my heart used to be, that the person I am today is not even a remote reflection of that person and, more importantly, that I am worthy of being the leader you need me to be to create hope for you and/or your loved ones who are or have been in the same place as you see I have been…


This will be a bumpy ride. Some of you will have judgment about me. That's OK. I will accept it. I have done some dark things and thought some dark thoughts. It is through this process that I will prove to the public that absolute change is possible. And not only possible, but very well probable through the underlying Truth that is at the center of New Hope. If transformation is possible in a soul that used to be as dark as mine, then it is possible in anybody. So, my life will be an open book. All of it. My secrets. My past. My deepest darkness. We are going to take a journey together into my past and through my life so that you can get to know and see the total and complete antithesis I am to the person I was. In our journey, my hope is that you will get to know me for who I am today, not who I was; and begin to ask yourself if it is appropriate to assume that just because someone has a title of felon, murderer, sex offender, robber, thief, or any other title you can conjure up, they automatically have nothing to offer the world. It is my hope that, as you see that, even though you can technically label me all of those, I have so much more to me than that, as I am a writer, a poet, a visionary, an artist, a musician, a humble servant, and more than anything a man of God. I strongly hope that you can see the inside potential of someone's heart through my battles throughout my life, rather than deeming them unworthy because of those same battles.


Please let my life and story begin to let you see me and everyone else in my situation for who we are, not what we've done. Think about this for one minute. If you knew me prior to this incident, you might've thought the world of me because you never knew I was capable of such "evil". Then, when you find out it happened, I'm the devil. So, ask yourself this. Is there someone who you know that may be the epitome of honest and caring? What do you think they would do if they were in a situation like mine, where it was their friend's life or the life of their attacker? Or to protect their loved one requires the harm of another? Get ready. Welcome to my life.


Chris Johnson



If you would like to contact Chris, please use the button below to be taken to Getting Out and create an account and add him as a contact and send him a message. You will need his OPUS number which is above, next to his picture.

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